sabato 12 maggio 2012

The Quant

The Quant

Quant Definition

The content of a storage bin is called a quant in SAP ECC. A quant is therefore a material quantity in a storage bin. In Warehouse Management in SAP ECC, materials can only be considered and moved in quant form. The concrete number of materials and the unit(s) of measure are irrelevant; a quant of a material can consist of one or x pieces, kilograms, or liters. However the criteria the system uses during putaway and stock removal to decide which material quantity forms one quant or several quants on one or several storage bins is fixed. The criteria for quant formation/splitting are:
  • Material number
  • Stock type or category
  • Special stock assignment
  • Plant and storage location and, where applicable,
  • The materials batch number.
QUANT Management
How Can You Maintain Quants In a Storage Bin?
Stock is managed in the SAP Warehouse Management system in quants — separate identifiable quantities of material — that are stored in the warehouse.  When a storage bin is occupied, the system maintains data about the materials that are stored at that location in the quant record.
This information includes:
- Quant identification
- Plant
- Material number
- Batch number
- Stock category
- Special stock indicator and number
The amount of material in a quant can be increased by adding material to existing stock. In customizing, for each storage type you can define whether only one quant or several quants can be stored in a storage bin. For each storage type, you can allow mixed or homogeneous storage.  When adding materials to existing stock, quant characteristics are combined. This means that the quant information in the stock that is added to existing stock is lost and takes on the quant characteristics of the stock that is already stored in the bin.  This quant information does not go away until the storage bin has been completely emptied.
Quant record contains information about the followings:
- Data about the last transfer
- Data about the last inventory
- Stock amounts, for example stock that is available or stock that is being transferred to or from a storage bin
- Blocking indicators.
How is a quant created?
When you store goods in an empty storage bin in WM, the system creates the quant in the bin. This means that the system issues a quant number and, when the quantity of material is picked, the quant number is automatically deleted again.
Changing Quant Data
To change data for a single quant:
1. Choose Logistics > Logistics Execution > Internal Whse Processes > Bins and Stock > Display > Single Displays > Quant from the SAP menu.
2. Enter the warehouse number, the storage type and the bin coordinate of the quant you want to change and choose ENTER.
3. To access the quant, choose Stock.
If there is more than one quant in the storage bin, a list of quants appears.
4. To change a quant in the list, position the cursor on the quant you want to display and choose Change Quant.
5. Make changes to the quant on the detail screen. Data that cannot be changed is not accessible.
6. Save the changes to the data base.

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