Process Flow
When you enter the material number of a bill of materials that is relevant for sales order processing, the system displays the material that describes the whole bill of materials as a main item. The individual components are displayed as lower-level items.
There are two ways to process a bill of materials in Sales. Once you have entered a bill of material in a sales order, the system runs pricing, inventory control, and delivery processing at:
- Main item level if the material is assembled, or
- Component level if the material is not assembled
The type of processing used by the system is determined by the item category group that you enter in the material master record for relevant materials.
Processing at Main Item Level (not the case of kit/component items to pick up)
If you want the system to carry out pricing, inventory control, and delivery processing at main item level, enter ERLA in the Item category group field of the Sales: sales org. 2 screen in the material master record of the finished product. This means that the components only function as text items and are not relevant for delivery. The following graphic shows how a bill of material is processed at main item level.
Processing at Component Level
If you want the system to carry out pricing, inventory control, and delivery processing at the component level, enter LUMF in the Item category group field of the Sales: sales org. 2 screen in the material master record of the finished product. In this case, only the components are relevant for delivery. During processing the system automatically creates a delivery group. The latest delivery date among all the components becomes the delivery date for the entire delivery group.
How to Know that Sales BOM is working or not?
I have set up a sales BOM. How do I know or test that is is working or not?
Once you enter a material (for whch you have created a BOM thru CS01) in the sales doc another material pops under the main material line item as a sub-item (s). If it doesn't then your BOM isn't working.
In my experience BOMs work if all maintenance has been done properly.
A number of things to check is:
1. The BOM hasn't been defined for the plant used, or you haven't defined the plant in SO.
2. Main item category - has BOM application SD01 been assigned to it?
3. Item categories for main items and sub-items have not been maintained properly.
4. Sales items maintenance - You should assign item categories for BOM header items and sub-items to a specific sales doc.
5. Has the BOM itself been configured properly (i.e. right plant, BOM usage '5')?
6. Are you trying it out on an order created after all BOM maintenance was done?
7. Also , what's the 'Structure scope' set as? Anything except C may be useful here? We have that set to A, since our BOMs are all single-level. You could set it to B if BOM are configured multi-level.
Those are probably main reasons why BOM shouldn't work. Apart from that, just re-check your whole config - the truth is out there somwhere.
What Is BOM Referring to SAP SD
We need to maintain Material master records for the BOM Item and for the components also.
The item category group of the BOM items is ‘ERLA/LUMF’ and the item category is ‘NORM’.
1. Creating BOM item:
- Logistics
- Sales and distribution
- Master data
- Products
- Bills of material
- Material BOM
2. CS01 create
Specify the data for the following fields.
Material: Specify the material for which components are to be maintained.
Plant: Specify the plant of BOM item.
BOM usage: Specify the application in which BOM is maintained (5 for SD).
Alternative BOM: Specifies the sequence of a BOM within a group of BOMs.
(L = stock item N = Non-stock item)
In the overview screen specify the components which makes the main item and the corresponding quantities and save it.
Note: During sales document processing if we enter the BOM item the system automatically determines corresponding components.
1) For the BOM to be exploded in the sales document the following customizing setting is required.
A) If the item category group is ERLA > the item category of the BOM is TAQ, in the definition of which we have to specify the value A (Explode single level BOM) in the structure scope.
B) If the item category group is LUMF > the item category of the BOM item is TAP in the definition of which we have to specify the value ‘A’ in the field structure scope.
2) If the item category group is LUMF > the system shows price for the components but not for the BOM item. For this the following customizing setting is required.
2.1) The item category of the BOM item is TAP which is not relevant for pricing, so the BOM item is not priced.
2.2) The item category of the components is TAN which is relevant for pricing, so the components are priced.
3) If the item category group is ERLA > the system shows price for the BOM item but not for components. For this following customizing setting is required.
3.1) The item category of BOM item is TAQ, which is relevant for pricing, so the BOM is priced.
3.2) The item category of components is TAE which is not relevant for pricing, so the components are not priced.
While creating sales document to get the list of alternative BOMs in the definition item category of BOM item we have to check the field “Manual Alternative”.
SD type ITCaGr Usg HLItCa DftItCa
NOTE: A – Explode single level BOM item
B – Explode multi level BOM item
CS01 – Transaction code for creating BOM Item
Statistical value ‘x’ or ‘y’
Make TAP relevant for pricing but values for statistical only.
Pricing Customization For Sales BOM
What are the steps of customization to pricing for header level or item level then?
You can create a sales bom, and price it at header level or sub level.
If you want to assemble the products and depending upon the assemblies you want to price. For eg. if the customer asks for a certain combination of Material A, B and C respectively, then you create a Material Master record Material D with item category group as LUMF. While the Materials A, B and C are created with standard item category groups NORM only.
Then create a sales BOM using Tcode CS01 and enter the following details:
Material : Material D
Plant : Plant in which you created the material.
BOM Usage : 5 (Sales and Distribution)
then give the Materials A, B, and C and give their respective quantities.
Before you have to create pricing condition records for Materials A, B, and C.
Then configure the item categories ( T - code : VOV4).
When processing the sales order, just give the Material D and the system will pick up the corresponding assemblies for that material and populate in the order.
The item category for the header item will be TAP and the item cateory for the items will be TAN.
In this cas the Material D is called as the higher level Item , and all the assemblies are called as the sub items. Here the subitems are relevant for pricing and delivery where as the header item is not relevant for neither pricing nor delivery. It just acts as a text item.
This type of configuration of BOM is known as pricing at item level. This is used when you don’t know what quantities of assemblies the customer is going to order and if the price of the assembly keeps varies.
There is another way of configuring BOM which is pricing at header level. The difference is that the Material Master D has to be configured using the item category group ERLA.
Creation of BOM is same.
But you need to maintain the pricing condition record for the header item.
The item categories in this case would be
Header item : TAQ
Sub item TAE;
Where the header item is relevant for pricing and delivery and subitems are not relevant for neither the pricing nor the delivery. Depending upon your requirement you configure accordingly.
In Summary:
-->Before going to create sales BOM you need to create:
- Master data for that Header Material and Components in the MM01 transaction.
-->If you want Header price you create Header Material with ERLA Itemcategory group.
-->If you want pricing at item level you create header material with LUMF Item category group.
- To create Sales BOM go to the transaction CS01 there you give enter the data Header Material which you have created in the MM01 transaction, Delivering Plant, BOM Usage as '5' (Sales and Distribution). Then proceed with enter system will take you the BOM detail screen here you maintain the details of the components (How many components you need to make a Header material).
- Check the item category determination settings in the transaction VOV4.
- Maintain the Pricing procedure according to that.
- Now you can create sales order with the BOM material.
Bill of material (BOM) Definition:
A list of all of the items that make up a product or assembly. The list is complete for its given purpose, has a formal structure, and states the name, quantity, and unit of measure for each component. A comprehensive PLM solution should offer support for the following categories of BOM: feature and requirements structures, material BOM, document structure, equipment BOM, functional location BOM, sales order BOM, and work breakdown structure BOM.
BOM Transaction codes:
CS00 BOM Menu
CS01 Create Material BOM
CS02 Change Material BOM
CS03 Display Material BOM
CS05 Change Material BOM Group
CS06 Display Material BOM Group
CS07 Allocate Material BOM to Plant
CS08 Change Material BOM - Plant Alloc.
CS09 Display Allocations to Plant
CS11 Display BOM Level by Level
CS12 Multilevel BOM
CS13 Summarized BOM
CS14 BOM Comparison
CS15 Single-Level Where-Used List
CS20 Mass Change: Initial Screen
CS21 Mass Material Change: Initial Screen
CS22 Mass Document Change: Initial Screen
CS23 Mass Class Change: Initial Screen
CS25 Archiving for BOMs
CS26 BOM deletion
CS27 Retrieval of BOMs
CS28 Archiving for BOMs
CS31 Create class BOM
CS32 Change class BOM
CS33 Display class BOM
CS40 Create Link to Configurable Material
CS41 Change Material Config. Allocation
CS42 Display Material Config. Assignment
CS51 Create standard BOM
CS52 Change standard BOM
CS53 Display standard BOM
CS61 Create Order BOM
CS62 Change Order BOM
CS63 Display Order BOM
CS71 Create WBS BOM
CS72 Change WBS BOM
CS73 Display WBS BOM
CS74 Create multi-level WBS BOM
CS75 Change multi-level WBS BOM
CS76 Display multi-level WBS BOM
CS80 Change Documents for Material BOM
CS81 Change Documents for Standard BOM
CS82 Change documents for sales order BOM
CS83 Change documents for WBS BOM
CS84 Change documents for class BOM
CS90 Material BOM Number Ranges
CS91 Number Ranges for Standard BOMs
CS92 Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs
BOM Tables:
SNUM BOM explosion number
STAS BOMs - Item Selection
STPF Structure tree of the exploded BOM
STPN BOM Follow-Up Control
STPU BOM Subitem
STST Standard BOM Link
STZU Permanent BOM data
MAST Material to BOM Link
by the FORUM
I am using sales order BOM with item cat grp for main item LUMF and Sub items NORM. Configured sales item categories TAP for main item relevent for pricing, billing and not relevent for delivery. and for sub items TAN which is relevent for pricing, delivery and not relevent for Billing. Well the issue is with the settlement of sales order. It says planned costs are zero
and hence cannot be settled. In the sales order there is no cost report for subitems as it shows that they are not relevent for costs. Please advise what i am missing in the config.
Well explained, Got to learn new things from your Blog on SAP SF.
RispondiEliminaSAP SF
It's very much appreciated. It is the most useful that I'm reading and can get new idea.