domenica 27 giugno 2010
domenica 28 marzo 2010
RF Inventory Procedure
la procedura d’inventario consiste nell’utilizzo delle seguenti transazioni:
Procedura d’inventario | |
Versamento da OdP, Ricezione per OdT, Resi, OdA | Generazione stock |
LT24 | Report per visualizzare gli OT aperti per materiale – da confermare o cancellare |
LX02 [da lasciare aperto] | Report WMS giacenza iniziale |
LI01N Creazione manuale/ LX26 (Creazione Cycle Counting per quant) | Creare documento d’inventario per una o una serie di ubicazioni e assegnarlo all’utente RF |
LI02N | Attivare documento d’inventario > Blocco ubicazione oggetto d’inventario |
LI04 | Stampa lista inventario: opzionale perché le funzionalità RF consentono la registrazione del conteggio nel momento dell’inventario fisico. |
LM00>LM51 | Accesso al menu RF del palmare con l’utente a cui è stato assegnato il documento per svolgere il conteggio. Dopo la registrazione del conteggio il documento d’inventario può essere solo cancellato. |
LS03N | se necessario si può visualizzare l’ubicazione per visualizzare la sua situazione stock |
LX22 | Riepilogo inventario nei documenti d’inventario |
LI13N | Riepilogo di dettaglio nei documenti d’inventario: visualizzazione SSCC inventariati |
LI20 | Stornare differenze in WMS |
LI21 | Stornare differenze in MM-IM |
LS24 | Report la giacenza per materiale aggiornato |
LX22 | Controllare lo stato “Stornato” per i documenti d’inventario stornati |
LX23 | Confronto stock: gestione stock – gestione magazzino |
LI01N – creazione documento d’inventario per un’ubicazione o una serie di ubicazioni
LX02 – Report stock WM
LM51 – Inventario RF per ubicazione e pedane contenute
Per modificare le confezioni della pedana digitare F5 sulla tastiera per essere inviati alla videata successiva.
Digitare F1 per registrare la modifica e F3 per tornare alla videata iniziale dell’elenco delle pedane lette col palmare.
Se le restanti pedane non presentano un nr di confezioni diversa da quella di pallettizzazione digitare F1 per confermare il conteggio dell’ubicazione.
se vengono lette pedane che non sono state mai registrate a sistema la transazione comunica all’addetto dell’inventario che l’SSCC non esiste.
LS02N: Controllo stato ubicazione
LI13N: Visualizzazione risultati conteggio.
LI20: stornare quantità nello stock di WM
Il tasto “Stornare” storna solo per lo stock di WM la differenza tra qtà registrata e quella conteggiata per l’ubicazione inventariata. In questo caso il sistema storna in difetto per portare da 69000 a 30000 le confezioni in stock WM.
LI21: stornare quantità nello stock di MM-IM
La transazione LI20 ha creato un OT confermato che ha trasferito le quantità stornate in WM nel tipo magazzino 999 e ubicazione dinamica che viene creata ogni volta che registrato lo storno in WM.
Il tasto “stornare” storna la differenza anche nello stock di MM-IM allineando lo stock di WM con quello di MM.
LS24 – stock aggiornato per materiale/divisione/magazzino/tipo magazzino/ubicazione
LX22 – Riepilogo Inventario con visibilità dello stato del documento
Lo stato dell’inventario può essere:
N = non conteggiato
Z = conteggiato
L = stornato
Il tasto “Visual. Inventario” consente la visualizzazione del documento d’inventario aggiornato.
LX23 – Confronto stock WM e MM-IM
sabato 27 marzo 2010
Stock Transfer Using Stock Transport Order
A number of procedures are available to enable you to transfer materials from one plant to another:
Stock Transfer Between Plants in One Step
Stock Transfer Between Plants in Two Steps
Stock Transport Order Without Delivery
Stock Transport Order with Delivery via Shipping
Stock Transport Order with Delivery and Billing Document/Invoice
Stock Transport Order without Delivery
Process Flow
- Buying Plant Create the Purchase Order type UB - Stock transport Order - transaction ME27
- Supplying Plant receive the Purchase Order and issue it to the transport warehouse once they have the required quantity - transaction MB1B - movement type 351 - Transfer posting to stock in transit from unrestricted use.
- Buying Plant receive the purchase quantity with transaction MB01 - Goods Receipt from Purchase Order.
Accounting document was created during the transfer posting - movement type 351.
Debit | Buying Plant Inventory |
Credit | Supplying Plant Inventory |
If there was a price difference (the same material have different price in the different plant), the lower price plant will be posted with the amount differences.
Material Master - Costing View Material Price for Buying Plant 100
Material Price for Supplying Plant 150
The Accouting posting would be:
Debit 12345 Buying Plant Inventory 100
Debit 67890 Price Difference for Stock Transfer 50
Credit 12345 Supplying Plant Inventory 150
The General Ledger Account Number was determine through the Material Valuation Class which was tied throught the Automatic Posting of Account Assignment (Transaction OMWB then click Account Assignment)
Inventory posting | BSX |
Expense/revenue from stock transfer | AUM |
Stock Transport Order with Delivery via Shipping
Process Flow
- ME21N: creazione ordine di trasferimento di MM con controllo conferma = 0003.
- VL10B: creazione consegna per Ordine di trasferimento di MM.
- VL02N: registrazione prelievo e um.
- MIGO (BAPI_GOODS_MOVEMENT): registrare la MIGO per tipo operazione = entrata merci / tipo documento = consegna / nr. Consegna (alla registrazione della migo, il sistema genera la fornitura).
- VL32N: Imballaggio della HU nella fornitura.
- LT03 (L_TO_CREATE_DN): Creazione OT
- LT12 (L_TO_CONFIRM): Conferma OT
- VL32N: Entrata merci della fornitura
WM RF TCODE | Description | Notes | SAP Rel. |
LM00 | Logon RF Allows you to change the screen format, screen variant, and main menu upon log-on. | 4.6B | |
LM01 | Dynamic Menu RF selection menu for the different transactions | 4.6B | |
LM02 | Putaway/Movement by SU Select a transfer order for confirmation by the storage unit number | 4.6B | |
LM03 | Putaway by TO Select a transfer order for confirmation by the transfer order number | 4.6B | |
LM04 | Putaway System-Guided System proposes a transfer order for confirmation according to specific sorting criteria | 4.6B | |
LM05 | Picking by TO Select a transfer order for confirmation by the transfer order number | 4.6B | |
LM06 | Picking by Delivery Select a transfer order for confirmation by the delivery number | 4.6B | |
LM07 | Picking System Guided System proposes a transfer order for confirmation according to specific sorting criteria | 4.6B | |
LM09 | Putaway by Delivery Select a transfer order for confirmation by the delivery number. | 4.6C | |
LM11 | PPosting Changes System-guided confirmation of posting change transfer orders | 4.6B | |
LM12 | Material Inquiry Call-up information on the material stock sorted by storage bin, goods receipt date, or shelf life expiration date | 4.6B | |
LM13 | Putaway Clustered Select a group of transfer order items by the storage unit numbers for simultaneous putaway | 4.6B | |
LM18 | Handling Unit Inquiry Call up information (lower-level HUs, Material, WM management) on an HU assigned to delivery or shipment | 4.6C | |
LM19 | Handling Unit - Pack Pack material items into an existing HU or create a new HU | 4.6C | |
LM22 | Handling Unit - Unpack Unpack an HU | 4.6C | |
LM24 | Packing HU by Delivery Pack the selected items of a delivery | 4.6C | |
LM25 | Unpack HU by Delivery Unpack the selected items of a delivery | 4.6C | |
LM30 | Load Control - Load by Shipment Select the goods to be loaded by the shipment number | 4.6B | |
LM31 | Load Control - Load by Delivery Select the goods to be loaded by the delivery number | 4.6B | |
LM32 | Load Control - System Guided Load System proposes the next shipment to be loaded | 4.6B | |
LM33 | Load Control - Unload by Shipment. Select goods to be unloaded by the shipment | 4.6C | |
LM34 | Load Control - Unload by Delivery Select goods to be unloaded by the delivery | 4.6C | |
LM35 | Load Control - Detail by Handling Unit Call-up the load status of a specific HU, as well as information on the shipping point, weight, and volume in release 46b-> Detail by Shipping Unit | 4.6C | |
LM36 | Load Control - Detail by Delivery Call-up the load status of a specific delivery and the status of the respective handling units | 4.6B | |
LM37 | Load Control - Detail by Shipment Call-up the load status of a specific shipment and the status of the respective deliveries | 4.6B | |
LM45 | Pick and Pack Use this transaction to pick and pack items in one step. Based on the system-guided picking | 4.6C | |
LM46 | Pick and Pack by Delivery Use this transaction to pick and pack items in one step. Identify the TO to be picked by the delivery | 4.6C | |
LM50 | Count Inventory by SU (User Guided) Scan a specific storage unit that must be counted (recommended for fully packed SUs) | 4.6B | |
LM51 | Count Inventory by SU System Guided System proposes a storage unit to be counted | 4.6B | |
LM52 | Count Inventory per Bin User-Guided Scan a specific storage bin to be counted (allows you to count the exact quantity) | 4.6B | |
LM53 | Count Inventory per Bin Sys.-Guided System proposes a storage bin to be counted | 4.6B | |
LM56 | Interleaving by SU Identify TO for putaway by the storage unit number. After you have confirmed the TO for putaway,the system proposes a TO for picking/replenishment from the same queue | 4.6C | |
LM57 | Interleaving System-Guided The system proposes a TO for putaway and after its confirmation a TO for picking | 4.6C | |
LM61 | Goods Issue by Delivery Identify an outbound delivery to be processed by the delivery number | 4.6B | |
LM62 | Goods Issue by MS area Identify an outbound delivery to be processed by the MS area number | 4.6B | |
LM63 | Goods Issue by Shipment Identify an outbound delivery to be processed by the shipment number | 4.6C | |
LM64 | Goods Issue by Others Identify an outbound delivery to be processed by the material, ship-to party, delivery date, reference document number, or service agent | 4.6C | |
LM65 | Goods Issue by Group Identify an outbound delivery to be processed by the group number | 4.6C | |
LM66 | Goods Issue by HU Identify an outbound delivery to be processed by the handling unit number | 4.6C | |
LM71 | Goods Receipt by Delivery Identify an inbound delivery to be processed by the delivery number | 4.6C | |
LM72 | Goods Receipt by MS area Identify an inbound delivery to be processed by the MS area number | 4.6C | |
LM73 | Goods Receipt by Shipment Identify an inbound delivery to be processed by the shipment number | 4.6C | |
LM74 | Goods Receipt by Others Identify an inbound delivery to be processed by the material, vendor, delivery date, reference document number, or service agent | 4.6C | |
LM76 | Goods Receipt by HU Identify an inbound delivery to be processed by the handling unit number | 4.6C | |
LM77 | Queue Assignment Allows you to modify the warehouse and the queue | 4.6B |
WM TCODE | Description | Notes |
LCO1 | Set Up Warehouse Co/Material Docs. | |
LCO2 | Set Up Warehouse Co/Transport Orders | |
LL01 | Warehouse Activity Monitor | |
LS01 | Create Warehouse Master Record | |
LS01N | Create Warehouse Master Record | |
LS02 | Change Warehouse Master Record | |
LS02N | Change Warehouse Master Record | |
LS03 | Display Warehouse Master Record | |
LS03N | Display Warehouse Master Record | |
LS26 | Warehouse stocks per material | |
MB52 | List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand | |
OLML | IMG structure Warehouse Management | |
OMLN | Warehouse Control Link | |
OMMF | Number Ranges per Warehouse | |
OMMP | Decentralized Warehouse Management | |
OMNG | Queues Warehouse Management System | |
OMNH | APPC Interface per Warehouse Number | |
OMNI | Print Program per Warehouse Number | |
OMNJ | Link to Warehouse Control Unit | |
OMNL | Warehouse Number Maint./Inventory | |
EC09 | Org.Object Copier: Warehouse Number | |
FMFG_WAREHOUSE | Warehouse Report Transaction | |
J1A5 | MM Warehouse stock report (Arg.) | |
LI20 | Clear Inventory Differences WM | |
LLVS | WM Menu | |
LN07 | Number Ranges for WM Communic.Rec. | |
LP11 | WM staging of crate parts | |
LP11W | WM Staging for Crate Parts (IAC) | |
LP12 | Staging release order parts (WM-PP) | |
LP21 | WM replenishment for fixed bins | |
LP24 | WM Replenishment for Random Whse | |
LPIN | Info: Material Stock WM-PP | |
LPK1 | Create Control Cycle for WM | |
LPK2 | Change Control Cycle for WM | |
LPK3 | Display Control Cycle for WM | |
LS51 | Create Batch Search Strategy - WM | |
LS52 | Change Batch Search Strategie - WM | |
LS53 | Display Batch Search Strategy - WM | |
LX23 | Stock comparison IM - WM | |
LX26 | Inventory in WM via cycle counting | |
LX30 | Overview of WM messages ext.system | |
LX41 | Bin Status Report WM/PP Interface | |
LX42 | Evaluation PP Order from WM View | |
LX46 | Transmission WM perform. data to HR | |
MCL1 | WMS: Stck Placemt.+Remov. Selection | |
MCL5 | WMS: Flow of Quantities Selection | |
MCL9 | WM: Material Plcmt/Removal:Selection | |
MCLD | WM: Material Flow - Selection | |
MCLH | WM: Movement Types - Selection | |
OMCR | Inventory Sampling: St.Mgmt Lvl: WM | |
OMK3 | Conditions: field catalog (WM) | |
OMK4 | CondTable: Create (Batches, WM) | |
OMK5 | CondTable: Change (Batches, WM) | |
MCL1 | WMS: Stck Placemt.+Remov. Selection | |
MCL5 | WMS: Flow of Quantities Selection | |
MCL9 | WM: Material Plcmt/Removal:Selection | |
MCLD | WM: Material Flow - Selection | |
MCLH | WM: Movement Types - Selection | |
OMCR | Inventory Sampling: St.Mgmt Lvl: WM | |
OMK3 | Conditions: field catalog (WM) | |
OMK4 | CondTable: Create (Batches, WM) | |
OMK5 | CondTable: Change (Batches, WM) | |
OMK6 | CondTable: Display (Batches, WM) | |
OMK7 | Batch WM..... (will be deleted) | |
OMKR | Search Types: Optimize Access WM | |
OMKT | Strategy Types: Batch Determin.WM | |
OMKU | Access: Maintain Batch Determin.WM | |
OMKV | Batch Determination: Proced.for WM | |
OMLL | WM Movement Type: Clear Invent.Diff. | |
OMLR | WM Interface to Inventory Management | |
OMMC | Printer Assignment per WM Mov.Type | |
OMMO | Consistency Check for MM-WM Tables | |
OMMZ | Spool Parameters for WM Print Ctrl | |
OMN0 | Control of Transaction Codes (MM-WM) | |
OMNE | Control of Transactions in MM-WM | |
OMNZ | Parameters for Activity in WM |
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